Monday, 11 April 2016

Pre GTU Questions - CPU


What is flow chart? Draw flow chart to find factorial number.                                     
Explain block diagram of Computer.                                                                               
What is algorithm? Write algorithm to find largest number between 3 numbers.  
Explain Different Data types used in C.
Explain all types of if statement with example.
Explain associativity & precedence of operator.                                                            
Explain type conversion & type casting.                                                                          
Explain various loop available in C.                                                                                 
Explain software & hardware with example.                                                                  
Explain malloc & calloc with example.                                                                           
Explain call by value & call by reference with example.                                                
What is pointer? Explain with example.                                                                          
Explain one dimensional array with example.                                                                
Explain all operators with example.                                                                                
Explain goto statement with example.                                                                            
Explain switch case with example.                                                                                  
Explain different file management function with example.                                           
Explain structure with example.                                                                                      
Explain call by value & call by reference with example.                                                
Explain all string function with example.                                                
What is keyword & identifier?
Give syntax and Example of UDF’s elements.                                                                 
Explain recursive function with example.                                                                       
Explain different categories of UDF with example.                                                        
Write a program to generate Fibonacci series.                                                              
Write a program to generate following pattern.                                                            
What is file management? Explain fopen() with all its mode.                            
Difference between structure & union                                                               
Explain break & continue statement with example.                                                       
Explain pointer to pointer with example.                                                                        
What is string? How to initialize (get value of string) and print the string?     
Write a program to find maximum number between 3 numbers.
Write a program to find multiplication of two matrixes.
Write to program to find sum of first n odd numbers.
Write a program to reverse the input string.
Write a program to swap the value using call by references.
Write a program to concatenate two strings.
Write a program to check number is prime or not.
Write a program to find addition, subtraction, division & multiplication using switch case.
Write a program to check string is palindrome or not.
Create a structure with name student.
Members: student name, roll no, marks of 3 subjects.
Write a program to find the length of string.